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The report was prepared by an expert group consisting of the following members:

Hans Gersbach – Professor of Macroeconomics, ETH Zurich, Co-Director of the KOF, member and former chairman of the Scientific Advisory Board of the Federal Ministry for Economic Affairs and Climate Action, Germany

Eva Hüpkes – Head of Regulatory and Supervisory Policies, Financial Stability Board (to 31 July 2023), Secretary General, International Association of Deposit Insurers (from 1 August 2023), and lecturer in International Monetary Law, University of Zurich

Renaud de Planta – Senior Partner and Chairman of the Group Executive Committee, Pictet Group and member of the Board of Directors Committee at SwissBanking

Mirjam Eggen – Professor of Private Law, University of Bern, Chair of the Swiss Takeover Board

Eva Jaisli – CEO of PB Swiss Tools AG, Vice President of Swissmem, member of the Board Committee at economiesuisse

Yvan Lengwiler (Chairman) – Professor of Economics, University of Basel, specialising in financial market regulation and monetary policy

Beatrice Weder di Mauro – Professor of International Economics, Geneva Graduate Institute (IHEID), Visiting Professor at INSEAD Singapore and President of the Centre for Economic Policy Research (CEPR)

Rudolf Sigg – President of the Board of Directors at esisuisse, former Chief Financial Officer (CFO) and member of the Executive Board at Zürcher Kantonalbank

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